Friday, October 23, 2015

Draft Evaluation Plan complete and updates on where we're at

We've submitted the draft Evaluation Plan to the team, including a full description of our methodology as well as the Evaluation Framework that translates the goals of the grant into measurable outcomes and outputs.  In turn, the Evaluation Framework identifies which questions we can start to address with what kind of data gathering, and for surveys, we've already identified questions for both a short form and a longer form.  We've created a short form that is intended to be used for public events with pretty quick interactions, a second form to be used after longer individual pinning sessions, and a third one that can be used for repeat sessions.

This is all a bit of a work and progress, but the Santa Ana team has begun testing the surveys at a couple of their public events.  While the first one they tried was a failure (with 0 out of 102 participants opting to complete the survey), the second iteration already provide a drastic change in results, giving us great details on nearly 50 participants.  Jessica has set this up as a Google form that is accessed at their events and we therefore have live, structured data in a shared spreadsheet.  This will be added to as they do more events and as long as we all use the same survey forms, we'll be able to easily aggregate these with the projects across the country to track our statistics.  This is all making the research and evaluation team in London very happy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Data Preservation Workflow Plan

One of the primary deliverables of this project is a Data Preservation Workflow Plan (D.1). This plan outlines how Historypin will make User Generated Content (UGC) available for preservation for the participating libraries and will also store a preservation version with the Internet Archive.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Summer and Fall 2015 Event Strategy

In an effort to drum up an audience for the Memories of Migration project, the Santa Ana team decided to participate in different community events. At these events, we had two main activities, "Mapping Migration Stories" and "Migration Story Photos", as well as a plethora of information about the project. It was our hope that reaching out to community members, at events they enjoy attending, would help to establish a safe platform to share experiences and stories, and develop a group of individuals who are excited about the project and want to participate. Attached you will find links to a list of events we participated in during the months of June through September 2015, as well as a short .pdf with photos and information about our events.